Page 21 - Transformation Report.indd
P. 21

6.5  Group bursary programme

            Despite the extensive marketing and recruitment efforts undertaken
            to attract quality  black candidate attorneys to Group fi rms, it
            remains a challenge, in particular for fi rms located away from main
            centra, to entice candidate attorneys to accept positions at their
            fi rms. To assist with enhancing the offer to candidates, the Group
            launched the Phatshoane Henney Group bursary programme for
            candidate attorneys in partnership with the Phatshoane Henney
            Foundation, the Group’s non-profi t charitable trust. The programme
            awards bursaries to black candidate attorneys that have been
            selected to article at Group fi rms, with priority in bursary allocation   Over R1.1 million
            going to candidates that article at regional fi rms.
                                                                              awarded in
            With  more  than  R1.1  million  in  bursaries  already  awarded  to
            candidate attorneys serving articles at Group fi rms since 2015, this   bursaries to black
            programme demonstrates the extra measures the Group is prepared
            to  take to  help  members attract  and  retain  talent, particularly at   candidate attorneys
            fi rms that struggle to attract talent due to their location. Paired with
            increased remuneration packages and other personal and training   articling at Group
            benefi ts available to Group fi rms, the appointment of quality black
            candidate attorneys at Group fi rms looks positive and set to further
            expand over the coming years.                                     fi rms since 2015

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