Page 18 - Transformation Report 2018/2019
P. 18


                              6. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVEL OPMENT

                              Firms spent                The Group Value “We Care” involves caring for the communities
                             R2 million in               that member firms serve and is a vital aspect of demonstrating that
                                 2018 and                New Breed Law Firms  are firstly also South African law firms that are
                              R2.2 million               involved with and deeply rooted in their communities.
                                    in 2019
                                 on socio-               As a focused aspect of member firm contributions to their
                                economic                 communities, firms spent R2 million in 2018 and R2.2 million in
                            development                  2019 on socio-economic development initiatives of which the
                                initiatives              beneficiaries had to be more than 80% black persons.

                                                         Some of the projects involved included creating employment
                                                         opportunities for black persons through local clean-up campaigns,
                                                         food support projects to community centres and local schools,
                                                         mother and child support projects, donations and fundraisers for
                                                         youth centres, rural school funding and food support, donations to
                                                         disability support organisations, tuition bursaries for underprivileged
                                                         children, stationery and book purchases for scholars, computer
                                                         donations to schools, and more.

          Group Transformation Report for 2018/19
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