Page 5 - Transformation Report 2018/2019
P. 5


                                                                                            Group BEE
                                                                                          form part of
                                                                                            the annual
                                                                                     process of firms
                                                                                        and drive the
                                                                                                focus in
                                                                                        member firms

          and BEE approach, making it more important than ever   I believe when reading this report, it will also be irrefutable
          for the future of a law firm to pay it forward by investing   that the Group remains committed to the transformation
          in tomorrow notwithstanding economic pressures which   of  our  country  and  economy  in  the  broadest  sense,
          may caution firms to take a more conservative approach.  and although there is always room for improvement,
                                                                 the commitment is clear and the necessary plans and
          It is therefore quite unassailable to state that any law firm   strategies are in place. I remain proud of the Group and
          that today ignores or fails to commit to transformation   the commitment of our member firms shown throughout
          in the broadest sense, does so at its own peril. Our   this report.
          South African environment demands a commitment to
          transformation that is not only socially conscious, but also   DOUGLA S HENNEY
          helps unlock economic benefits, builds new economic    Chair, Phatshoane Henney Group
          players and transforms our economy for the better of all.  2 March 2020

                                                                         Group Transformation Report for 2018/19
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